Wendy Williams Tears Up While Speaking About Chris Brown’s Alleged Drug Abuse

Gossip guru and messy maven Wendy Williams usually receives the side eye from people because of her unwillingness to hold her tongue, or the fact that she’s usually the first to have a tea party at a celebrity’s expense. However, on Monday (March 6) Williams became emotional while speaking about Chris Brown’s alleged drug abuse.

The seasoned radio and talk show host has never shied away from speaking about her own drug addiction, and said that because of Brown’s popularity and fame, the entertainer is surrounded by yes men.

“This is serious,” Williams said getting choked up. “I think there are a lot of people in his camp enjoying the spiralization and his mother who he watched get beat up by his step-dad while growing up, apparently  he hasn’t gained her strength or respect for him.”

The “how you doin?” audience, who are known for their claps, shouts and active participation, was silent as Williams, 52, appeared concerned for Brown’s well being.

“I guess he has nobody in his life at this point that he’s scared of,” Williams continued. “There has to be somebody that you’re scared of and it has nothing to do with money. It should be like ‘oh, I don’t want to shame the family name.’ or ‘I gotta pull it together just for this.’ “

Despite exhibiting empathy for Brown, Wendy did not coddle the Royalty singer

“I think all the positive influences are gone and this is not the positive influences fault, because when you are a drug addict and you have a problem with drugs the only one that can help you is you. This boy is 27 years old now. That’s a grown man and there are no positive influences.”



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