Russell Simmons To Lead “Today, I Am A Muslim Too” Rally In Times Square

Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons is using his platform to host a day of solidarity in the face of Donald Trump’s administration. Shortly after a federal appeals court unanimously shut down the president’s executive order on immigration, the All Def Digital founder took to Facebook to announce the “Today, I Am A Muslim Too” rally, slated to take place in Times Square on Sunday (Feb. 19). During the four-hour event, the The Happy Veganauthor will be joined by community leaders, including Imam Shamsi Ali, Rabbi Marc Schneier, Daisy Khan and Linda Sarsour.

“Everyone except white privileged males are in immediate danger. African Americans, women, Latinos, Asians and LGBTQ are all at risk, but there is no freedom in that privileged status either because the spirit of the oppressor is oppressed as well,” Simmons said in a statement. “We are living in a time when unity will make America great. This is a special moment for all Americans of good will to band together to promote the kind of compassion and equality for others that we want for ourselves.”


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