Barack Obama Named The Most Admired Man In America For Ninth Straight Year

However you feel about President Barack Obama’s policies and administration, as a person, it’s pretty hard to deny how charming he is, which may be a part of the reason why for the ninth consecutive year he’s earned the title of Most Admired Man in America.

According to a gallop poll, the open-ended question was posed to Americans from Dec. 7 through Dec. 11 and Obama earned 22 % of the vote, while president-elect Donald Trump earned 15 % however, the seven percent difference is the most narrow of victories for Obama.

Normally when asked, citizens bestow the honor to the sitting president except for those rare moments when the Commander-In-Chief is unpopular. In 2008, then president-elect Barack Obama was the most admired over president George W. Bush. Obama shares the distinction of being a president-elect to be named honored on this list along with Dwight Eisenhower. Obama and Eisenhower also lead the pack by earning the title the most times, with Eisenhower receiving the distinction 12 times to Obama’s nine.

Other honorees include Bill Gates, The Dalai Lama, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, and former president Bill Clinton.

Congrats to Mr. Obama.


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